Acne issues are becoming more usual this days, affecting a large percentage of adults. There are many of things that generate acne, we will discuss them and also discuss about some solutions to this issues. The major cause for acne issues is the poor diet. People eat to much garbage this days. But not only! Let’s see what are some major causes for skin issues.
Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that causes spots and pimples, especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms.
Acne isn’t caused by dirty skin. In fact, scrubbing the skin too hard or cleansing with harsh soaps or chemicals irritates the skin and can make acne worse. Cosmetics don’t necessarily worsen acne, especially if you use oil-free makeup that doesn’t clog pores (noncomedogenics) and remove makeup regularly. Nonoily cosmetics don’t interfere with the effectiveness of acne drugs.
“Air pollution just puts this layer of crap on your face,” Dr. Schultz says. Especially if you live in a city. Go walk around outside for a half hour, he suggests. When you come home, wipe your face with a toner pad or face wipe, and see what color it is. Warning: You’re not going to like what you see.
Treatments: Glycolic Acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid and an exfoliating ingredient that targets both acne and wrinkles at the same time. “The same way it helps acne, it helps wrinkles—by removing dead cells on surface. If you have effective exfoliation, you’re stimulating collagen and hyaluronic acid,” Dr. Schultz explains. This will help improve skin’s texture and reduce fine lines and wrinkles while also clearing up breakouts.
Your workouts are causing body breakouts. Skipping the shower right after working out or not washing your face allows the mixture of makeup, dirt, bacteria, oil, and sweat to find a nice little home in your pores and cause breakouts. What you can do differently: Before you start sweating, wash your face to remove your makeup. After you’ve finished your sweat session, shower (whoa, revolutionary). If you don’t have time, use a facial wipe, like Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes, to clear away any pore-clogging oil and bacteria on your skin.
For our polish guests: Twoj detergent podraznia skore. Wedlug Dr. Downie niektore chemikalia w niektorych detergentach do prania moga byc zbyt ostre dla skory. A kiedy wlozysz ubranie lub polozysz sie na poduszce, cera moze zareagowac na resztki pozostawione na materiale, powodujac pekniecia na twarzy, plecach, posladkach, klatce piersiowej itp. Co mozesz zrobic inaczej: wybierz detergent jest bezzapachowy, bez barwnikow i przetestowany przez dermatologa dla skory wrazliwej, takiej jak skoncentrowany bezplatny i bezzapachowy detergent do prania siodmej generacji. Czytaj wiecej na dermatolog.pl.